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Is Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Better Than Deep Tissue?

So, you know how there are a million different types of massages out there? Well, two popular ones are Ashiatsu barefoot massage and deep tissue massage. They both aim to help with muscle tension and pain, but they do it in different ways. Let’s break it down!

What’s Ashiatsu? And how the heck do you pronounce it?

Let's go with the pronunciation 1st. Say it like Ah-she-ot-sue.

Ashiatsu is a  technique where the massage therapist uses their feet instead of their hands to work on your body. Yep, you heard that right! While there are many forms of barefoot massage, they've originated in a variety of locations.

With Chavutti Thirummal, in India, the practitioner uses a rope to hold onto. The client is butt nekked on a mat on the floor.

In other countries, you may see a client lying on a table or the floor while the therapist uses a single bar or even something like gymnastic rings for balance.

Imagine something like ice skating-but no skates needed. And it's warm.

In all cases, the therapist uses body weight to apply pressure. This lets them get super deep into those tight muscles without making you feel like you’re being poked with elbows or thumbs.

My Cincinnati barefoot massage clients lie on a comfortable massage table to receive barefoot massage. Overhead, you'll see 2 parallel wooden bars for balance and a strap for me to lean into so I can come in at jaunty angles.

Check out over 100 testimonials from my clients [HERE].

Why Might It Be Better?
We'll talk about how I give barefoot massage versus jabbing you with my elbows and thumbs. 

1. Deeper Pressure, Less Pain:

Since I use my (clean) feet, they can apply a lot more pressure—more than three times than with hands!

In the photo below, I'm trying my darndest to give as much pressure as possible with my thumb, and it's only 24.6 lbs. (Embarrassing.) But with one foot casually applying pressure, it's 109.1 lbs.

But because the pressure is spread out over a larger area, it tends to feel more comfortable. So, if you love deep tissue but hate the discomfort that sometimes comes with it, Ashiatsu barefoot massage might be your new best friend.

Side note-I used to think I hated quad work. Turns out that I just don't like knuckles and elbows in my quads. The foot? Delish.

Ready to try barefoot massage? [CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE]

2. Relaxation and Relief:

Many people who try Ashiatsu say they feel incredibly relaxed afterward, and the relief lasts longer than with traditional massages. Those long, smooth strokes can really help with flexibility and circulation, too.

3. Great for Big Muscle Groups:

If you’ve got tight muscles in your back, legs, or shoulders, Ashiatsu barefoot massage can target those areas effectively. It’s like getting a deep tissue massage but with a comfortable, slow vibe.

But Is Barefoot Massage for Everyone?

Not everyone will love Ashiatsu. In fact, it's not meant for everyone.

If you’re recovering from a joint replacement or implants, have uncontrolled high blood pressure, or are have osteoporosis, barefoot massage isn't the best choice for you.

Plus, some folks just prefer the classic hand-on-body feel of a regular massage.

The Bottom Line

In the end, whether barefoot massage is better than deep tissue really depends on what you like and what your body needs. Every BODY needs a personalized approach.

If you’re curious, why not give it a try? You might find that walking on your back is exactly what you’ve been missing!

If you don't like barefoot massage, can you switch to hands-on?

No, not with me. Sorry. I only specialize in barefoot massage. I do use my hands in smaller areas or in places the feet would be inappropriate, like the face.

Still wanna try it? I think you'll love barefoot massage! Schedule an appointment [HERE]

Curious to see what barefoot massage looks like?

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Hey there! I'm Mary-Claire Fredette
Here's my massage CV in a nutshell

  • Massage therapist since 1999
  • Discovered barefoot masssage-2002
  • Trained to teach ashiatsu-2004
  • Lead training instructor-2007-2017
  • Co-founded a barefoot massage continuing ed company-2017

Massage therapist business coach and mentor

    Learn barefoot massage in our massage CE classes. Deep tissue ashiatsu barefoot massage training.

    Best deep tissue barefoot massage in Cincinnati. 

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