Best Massage in Cincinnati---Specializing in barefoot deep tissue massage Wednesday, August 29 2012
So you want to learn barefoot massage. Yes? I recommend taking a real life class. I hope you don't think you can really learn from a video or youtube. Do you think you could have learned to be an amazing massage therapist by not doing any hands on? Would you really go to a massage therapist who learned to do massage by reading books, Googling, watching videos?
Of course I'm prejudiced. I have spent thousands of hours doing barefoot massage on clients over the past 10 years. I went through an exacting training program to learn how to do barefoot massage workshop training. And I am very specific about how I teach in class, what is good form, what can be improved on, what kinds of moves are unsafe. has information from an instructor who has been teaching ashiatsu classes for over 8 years. Ashiastu massage is not something to be treated lightly. When it's not done well, you can hurt someone. Or yourself (imagine falling off a table). And those would both not help your massage business! |