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Best Massage in Cincinnati---Specializing in barefoot deep tissue massage
Friday, January 18 2019
Fijian barefoot massage

Announcing Fijian barefoot massage training

With the blessings of the original founder of Fijian barefoot massage, Lolita Knight, we have "fasciashi-ified" Fijian barefoot massage.

What this means is that this barefoot massage work that's done on the floor is more anatomy based, and we've added in our ashi-straps as an option for balance.

This work is perfect as a stepping stone into the world of barefoot massage, but it's a great way for experience ashiatsu barefoot therapists to increase their knowledge and gain more tools for their massage toolbox!

Fijian barefoot massage is perfect for:

  • sporting events
  • farmer's markets
  • health fairs
  • home massage visits
  • the office where you don't want to install overhead bars
  • people who want barefoot massage but don't want to take their clothes off

You can sign up for Fijian barefoot massage training here.

Posted by: Mary-Claire Fredette AT 08:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 18 2017
You can't stop us

We knew it would happen but maybe did not understand the ramifications. You see, when you leave an Ashiatsu barefoot massage company and that company's not happy when you start your own barefoot massage company, you discover that some of the massage industry may not have your back.

I have no doubt this happens in other sectors of business as well. When people are catty and maliciously gossip, there are bound to be aftershocks. 

But we shall persevere! Our new company, the Center for Barefoot Massage, is going strong. While currently my friend Jeni Spring and I are the only 2 teaching, we have other seasoned instructors coming on soon as well as some newbies.

In fact, in my class this week we'll be working with a brand new instructor, one who's been doing Ashiatsu barefoot massage for many years. She's taken all levels of classes that I previously taught and runs a successful barefoot massage business. More on her later.

Barefoot massage classes will soon be offered throughout the US. We have many awesome things going on right now that others don't--a membership site is in the works, and it will be chock full of information we know barefoot therapists need.

Stay tuned!

Our 2 year later Center for Barefoot Massage update...

Turns out when you're bringing other barefoot massage instructors on board, writing barefoot massage blog posts, creating membership site, certifications, and all the STUFF  there is in being a sole-prenuer, you may forget about your little website blog.

Our new barefoot massage training website

Here's the quickie on the Center for Barefoot Massage:

  • We have a free membership site for all of our barefoot massage Tribe
  • We have a private facebook group, which is VERY active
  • Our courses now are Fundamentals, Intermediate, ROM (Range of Motion), Advanced, Hot Ashi, and Fijian!
  • We have a total of (I think-I'm losing count!) 13 instructors in WA, OR, CA, CO, TX (2), MO, OH, FL, NC, NY, AL and VA (coming this winter)!!!
  • Our registration system handles all of our instructors' barefoot massage classes
  • Our Pro Membership site is about to launch (summer 2019)
  • We have an admin assistant working 20 hours a week
  • Our YouTube channel has almost 100 videos on it
  • Our Insta is popping
  • Our Facebook page is growing by leaps and bounds
  • We have a fresh new website

Whew! Yah, baby. We're chuggin' along.

Posted by: AT 09:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 17 2016

We've (being mostly my husband, Paul) been working on a new website for classes. It's got a 4 minute video on it telling you a little bit about my story and why Ashiatsu is so doggone amazing.

Ready for business tips that you should have learned in massage school?

Posted by: AT 04:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 28 2015
Finding the therapist you need

There's no one massage that is a right fit for everyone. Indeed, many people like a variety of massage styles. The therapist I usually trade with is a CE (class) junkie.

I schedule 2-hour massages with her--she works deeply with Ashiatsu and cupping, stretches me with Ashi-Thai and spends extra time trying out new stuff she's learned. 

For my birthday a few months ago, I went to another therapist for deep tissue hands on massage. Sometimes I like craniosacral, which is super light and amazingly relaxing.

When a new client came in today, he told me how he's been getting a massage every month. He's got some weird pains that have lasted for years--he has seen doctors, osteopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors and massage therapists. He never really finds respite.

A few weeks ago he was complaining to his buddy that he felt like he needed someone to walk on him. "Well," said his friend, "have I got a therapist for you!"

So I cautiously worked on him. Usually, I can tell what pressure someone needs, but this was a special case due to what was going on with his body. Over and over again I checked with him about pressure, using cupping therapy, ashiatsu barefoot massage and Ashi-Thai stretching.

Smiling broadly when he came out of the session, he happily exclaimed, "I've been looking for you for 10 YEARS!"

There's no better compliment for a therapist when a client feels so much better after a session. Sure, getting paid is great, but a smile where there was just a short time ago a grimace is what makes it click for massage therapists.

I got into this business to help others, and it's days like today that really makes my heart happy.

Posted by: AT 09:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 18 2015

What I like about Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy," says fan Scot Voss of Cincinnati, "is that it's so much softer than regular massage. I don't have to worry about pointy elbows and fingers. It's really deep and relaxing all at the same time."

In fact, many spas throughout the country list Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy on their menu. Canyon Ranch health spas offer this style of barefoot massage in their locations in Tuscon, AZ, Lenox, MA, onboard the Queen Mary 2 cruise ship and at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. Ashiatsu can also be found at prestigious massage spas such as Urban Oasis in Chicago.  The Insider's Guide "Best of the Rockies"  lists Ashiatsu massage at Park Hyatt Beaver Creek as one of the "Most Memorable."

Sports enthusiasts who require deep work are typically harder for massage therapists to work on because of their muscle density. But by using gravity assisted effleurage, trained therapists can save some energy, reduce fatigue and save their wrists by performing this style of barefoot effleurage. In fact, the September/October 2007 issue of Luxury Spa Finder list Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy as their "ultimate skier's massage."

Ruthie Hardee and her team of dedicated instructors currently teach four classes in barefoot massage. I teach on a regular basis in Cincinnati, OH and conduct ashiatsu training in Denver, CO, on a regular basis. Portable Ashiatsu bars allow me to travel and train ashiatsu therapists throughout the Midwest.

Barefoot Basics are one footed strokes suited for the posterior side of the client's body. Any therapist with grace and coordination can learn these strokes, and she or he learn to shift body weight according to the client's needs. In Anterior/Side-Lying, the massage therapist learns both clinical side lying work as well as a luxurious spa approach to the anterior side of the client's body. The client's eyes are comfortably covered during this anterior massage, and all neck and pectoral work is done with the LMT seated on a stool. Arms and legs are included in the anterior protocol as well.

The advanced class of Deepfeet 2 teaches the massage therapist to use his or her entire body weight in two footed posterior strokes which are well suited for larger clients who really need or enjoy deep tissue massage. Therapists need good upper arm and core strength to give this wonderful two footed massage. And finally, the Fusion-Blend is considered to be the final mastery of all the posterior strokes, and it may be taken after Deepfeet 2.

Posted by: AT 01:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, August 29 2014

We just completed our first training of Barefoot Basics and Anterior/Side-lying in our new Memphis facility. I had taught in Memphis on portable bars about 1.5 years ago, then Ashi-Thai and A/S at our new studio last year.

Charlene, our instructor in training in Memphis, has a lovely place called Delta Groove Yoga, right in the heart of midtown Memphis. The area is bustling with new businesses--restaurants, shops and of course, the yoga studio. Our classroom is full of lots of light and has a great vibe.

If you know of anyone in Memphis or somewhere in the south that would like to try out our ashi class, let me know! Our next class there is scheduled for the end of February.

Posted by: AT 09:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 22 2014

Effective my last class in December, I will no longer be teaching Bamboo-fusion massage classes. It's not because I don't want to--I actually love teaching the classes. It's fun, casual, the massage therapists get a ton of work (and therefore are generally quite happy and pleasant).

Sadly, there are a lot of imitators of Bamboo-fusion massage. One of my students decided to teach not 40 minutes from here, using tools she bought somewhere else. For some reason, she was granted approval to teach "her" style of bamboo and is allowed to give credit hours. She had no instructor training. Indeed, she had only taken a 2 day class from me.

It is unfortunate in this world of massage therapy, where we are supposed to be ethical and caring, that there is indeed a lot of pettiness and downright unethical behavior. These days, a lot of people feel as if they are entitled for some reason. What happened to the days when we all knew we had to work hard to achieve something?

There are a number of imitators for Ashiastu as well. Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy, designed by Ruthie Hardee, was first approved by the NCBTMB in 1995. Since then, others have hopped on to the bandwagon. One fellow believes it is his right to teach anyone who can simply breathe (license? Why have a license to touch?). Another has blatantly stolen the work and allows others to become instructors by simply paying a fee and getting a training manual. Maybe there's a DVD and some cream included. 

Why apprentice with a hard working and ethical company when you can learn from YouTube? Why pay your dues when you can make money way more quickly by paying someone to give you license to teach? Why pay commission to the founder of the company, who worked hard for many years developing and researching a program when you can copy and keep all the money?

Yes, I long for the "good old days"--the days of ethics and integrity and hard work.

Update- I originally wrote this in 2014. In 2017, half of the instructor team of the barefoot massage company left due to philosophical differences. I co-founded the Center for Barefoot Massage. This spring (2024),  I sold my ownership so I can focus on Massage Momentum.

My weekly blog focuses on business tips for massage therapists. I also have other products available to help massage therapists build their dream businesses.

Posted by: AT 09:28 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 11 2014
Barefoot massage certification training

I love this quote from Abraham Lincoln. It coincides nicely with our barefoot massage work. I doubt that this is what old Abe meant, but if the shoe fits...

I do have a couple of spaces remaining in my barefoot massage certification course here in Cincinnati at the end of the month. Let me know if you want in! You do have to be a massage therapist to learn this amazing deep tissue massage modality. And it can save your career!

Posted by: Mary-Claire Fredette AT 12:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 03 2013

Apparently, my links I did weeks and weeks ago for payment for my Ashiatsu barefoot bar classes didn't work. So I've got them taken care of now.

You may now sign up and pay via paypal or credit card for any of my Ashiatsu barefoot bar massage continuing education classes and workshops! Sorry about any inconveniences!

Posted by: AT 03:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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